Dear PointPay family,
We’ve been working hard to make PointPay better. As for the PointPay Crypto Bank, we have added BUSD cryptocurrency and redesigned the Cryptobank Home and Transaction History pages. We've also implemented KYC and statistics modules to the PointPay Escrow Platform. We can’t wait to share what we’ve been working on at PointPay this week in our Weekly Update.
Watch video with Vladimir Kardapoltsev!
Mobile App Development
For iOS mobile application
- Released version 7.7.2 in the App Store with new functionality;
- Updated the list of networks for Receive At Address/Send By Wallet/Send by Email flows;
- Changed the “Disable account” button text to “Delete Account”;
- the opening of the Trastra website for ordering a PointPay Crypto Debit Card;
- app launch on the Dashboard screen;
- the KYC screen display in profile;
- loading of the Dashboard screen.
- In P2P flow, My Ads tab so that the user can create his own ad;
- the main Contracts screen in the P2P flow so that users can see in which contracts they participate;
- the module for adding a payment method to P2P flow so that users can pay with fiat;
- Buy and Sell screens to allow users to enter buy or sell data;
- P2P screen where all active contracts are displayed so that users can either buy or sell cryptocurrency for fiat;
- the ability to edit payment methods in the Profile tab;
- filter by cryptocurrency in the Contracts tab;
- snack bar in case of lack of funds;
- the Set Nickname screen in the My Ads tab.
For Android mobile application
- Released version 6.4.3 in Play Market;
- Displayed fiat currency symbols instead of abbreviations;
- Updated the list of networks for Receive At Address/Send By Wallet/Send by Email flows;
- Changed the “Disable account” button text to “Delete Account”;
- the My Ads tab in the P2P service;
- a buy screen so users can buy cryptocurrency with fiat;
- Contract Created screen;
- P2P screen where all active contracts are displayed so that users can either buy or sell cryptocurrency for fiat.
- the opening of the Trastra website for ordering a PointPay Crypto Debit Card;
- navigation when sending funds to another account.
- TabBar on the P2P screen;
- Set Nickname screen on My Ads flow.
Interface Development
- Updated Live Roadmap;
- Applied a single writing standard both visually and contextually to the footer for all products;
- Restored lost translations from Crowdin;
- Redesigned the Home page and changed the location of the tiles for more convenient interaction with the site;
- Linked texts for footers in each product from the Shared project in Crowdin;
- Implemented migration and models as part of the referral program preparation.
- Created a Shell component with a basic structure and connected it to to simplify the process of changing site elements for developers.
- the texts on the Home page;
- the password change process;
- the process of account deactivation by increasing the time to view the notification.
- dependencies as part of referral program preparation;
- metrics, namely a counter by the number of clicks on the Get Started button.
Successfully tested and prepared for release
- extended Notifications page in a new design;
- page with Autologout in a new design.
CryptoBank Development
- Improved the cash flow interaction scheme between the CryptoBank and Exchange;
- Set up sending notifications when transferring from Savings to Regular account;
- Added BUSD cryptocurrency;
- Optimized the receipt of information about crypto loans for mobile devices;
- design of the P&L table, which will allow users to see changes in assets held in different products for a selected period;
- design of a table displaying inputs and outputs for all currencies for a selected period
- Cryptobank Home Page design;
- Transaction History design;
- some translations in the Menu as part of internal optimization;
- translations of transaction types in transaction history. We standardized the names and made them simpler and more understandable.
- sorting by the balance in fiat and APY in the accounts table;
- hiding currencies with zero balances in the list of currencies;
As part of the CryptoBank redesign
- Completed transaction history design.
- table of sent and received invoices;
- the general structure of the Invoice section;
- Staking Program;
- updating the output component after the operation is completed;
- Added substitution of the available balance in the input field to simplify the withdrawal of funds;
- currency sorting by APY and USD equivalent in Accounts summary.
- handling errors from Unified Balances;
- output error handling.
Withdrawals & Payment System Development
- Improved Payment Gateway in terms of reflecting user transactions and the correctness of transaction statuses.
- stage settings for Unified Balances (currently being tested);
- finalization of the functionality for transferring funds to Cold wallets;
- development of pages on seamless integration with Mercuryo payment provider.
P2P Development
- Made up and added user time zone selection;
- Added API to get summary information on reviews;
- Finished the module for sending events and auto messages to the chat;
- Reviewed a code to make it easier to develop further and scale the project;
- Decomposed tasks for developing the admin panel;
- Set up the display of payment methods in the list of ads;
- Added Admin API for the list of contracts.
- chat entities (model/table);
- display of the user's nickname in the payment methods;
- Removed hardcoded payment methods in the list of ads;
- the display of limits in fiat in My Ads;
- the display of only one advertisement by “type” for a currency pair;
- statistics in Admin API;
- disputes module in the admin panel;
- Roles & Permissions;
- the display of the contract status in the list and preview;
- adding a payment method flow when trying to create a sales contract;
- the display of the initial volume and how much is realized in My ads,
- the ability to create events and messages in the chat;
- the new payment method “Bank Transfer”.
Changed the display
- of the user's nickname in payment methods;
- of limits in My ads;
Implemented multiple filters
- by status for contracts list;
- by cryptoSymbol for contracts list.
Exchange Platform Development
- Optimized the output of candles on the frontend;
- Added division of the order book in the Exchange terminal and spread output.
- filtering in the transaction history on the Exchange;
- display of candles.
Escrow Platform Development
- Performed a Cloudflare bypass on one of the sites to obtain the project data. This will allow the business to attract new customers faster.
- a KYC module to improve security;
- statistics module.
HR Talent Platform Development
- an interface for moderating talents so that the moderator can remove BIOs that break the rules;
- a script to start a dialogue via messenger so that the user can write to another outside the contract;
- an endpoint for the list of companies' BIOs for moderation so that the moderator can view clients under moderation;
- a list and a contract card for the moderation interface;
- an API for the list of contracts with the "moderation" status;
- a feedback window so that the Client can rate and review the Talent;
- endpoint to the list of chats, which sends all the user's chats to the frontend;
- endpoint and new status for the contract in moderation;
- getting a list of interlocutors for the messenger;
- displaying the reason for the rejection of the biography in the bio of the talent or client;
- getting the history of the dialogue for the messenger;
- feature “Add milestone,” which allows the client to create a copy of any contract in 1 click;
- the "My talents" page without filters, so that the client can see on one page everyone with whom he/she has ever worked;
- endpoint so that it returns the last contract (Name/ID/Status) for the “My Talents” page;
- text in Bio/Contract rejection.
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💰 Earn up to 20% yearly with PXP staking program in PointPay Bank:
💡 Check PointPay Live-Roadmap (PointPay development in real-time):
🏦 Remember, we are PointPay, and we are beyond banking!