PointPay Weekly Update (26 - 30 December 2022)

This year's last Weekly Update is ready for you to read! PointPay team has released many new features in Deposits/Withdrawals, such as Go Gateway, Single Balances, and Scoring. We've also completed the Buy/Sell Crypto widget for the Dashboard.

Read more about these and other changes in the full update below!



  • Go Gateway, Single Balances, and Scoring on checking user withdrawals in 24 hours;
  • funds on freeze checks in Scoring;
  • correct processing of errors on outputs received from Custodian on unexpected processing scenarios;
  • the correct processing of the "Insufficient funds" error from Custodians;
  • improved Go Gateway logging and saving the cause status Cancelled, Failed, Unknown to the database;
  • multi-networks and all their settings.


  • Finalized order of currencies display;
  • Optimized queries to the Unified Balances database to retrieve data;
  • Rewrote Go integrations with payment providers Itez and Simplex;
  • Wrote documentation for several payment provider integrations for mobile teams.


  • development of a Buy/Sell Crypto widget for the Dashboard;
  • the design to simplify Withdrawal flow;
  • server development on frozen funds.


  • Finalized the My Trades functionality;
  • Released Exchange wallet page.

Completed development of the

  • public API backend;
  • Trading Competitions frontend;

Improved the

  • performance of Matchmaker;
  • Trading API;
  • navigation on the Exchange.

Mobile Apps

For iOS

  • Added ability to enter the amount of currency to buy in Launchpad flow;
  • Enabled balance switch in Regular and Savings tabs;

Added display of

  • available for purchasing coin balance in Launchpad flow;
  • users' current and all PXP levels on the Edit Profile screen.


  • Cryptocurrency Selection screen;
  • switching to the Cryptocurrency Selection screen in the Deposit redesign flow.


  • Implemented animation for QR in the redesign of Deposit flow;
  • Added current PXP level, PXP balance, and amount to the next PXP level on the Dashboard;
  • Redesigned the entire Quick Exchange flow;


  • the functionality of removing characters in fields with commas in the Exchange flow when initiating an order;
  • operability of the Top Up button in the Exchange flow.


  • Tuned up Quick Exchange converter;
  • Configure the display and currency change in the header at the Authorization project;
  • Prepared for the release page with the PointPay logos and rules for their use on our partners' websites;
  • Tested the KYC integration between the Authorization service and consumers;
  • Checked the arrival of the profit from the referral;
  • Verified the correctness of the referral system flow;
  • Connected the front end and back end for the API Management page in the personal profile settings.


  • Changed the subdomain for Launchpad from “launchboard” to “launchpad”;
  • Improved the product's handling of translations by standardizing and creating a script with automation;
  • Completed a major part of the development for the ability to run a token sale in multiple rounds.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this update. We look forward to seeing you next week!

Happy trading!

🔥 Buy PXP tokens on Bittrex: https://bit.ly/32VWsci

🔥 Buy PXP tokens on Bitrue: https://bit.ly/3JEreHu

🔥 Buy PXP tokens on BitHumb: https://bit.ly/3qOK6e9

🔥 Buy PXP tokens on WhiteBIT: https://bit.ly/3qJrjRH

🔥 Buy PXP tokens on CoinTiger: https://bit.ly/3pnv6ny

💰 Earn up to 7% yearly with PXP staking program in PointPay Bank: https://bank.pointpay.io/staking

💡 Check PointPay Live-Roadmap (PointPay development in real-time): https://pointpay.io/live-roadmap/

🏦 Remember, we are PointPay, and we are beyond banking!